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How Calm users fit meditation into their daily routines

How Calm users fit meditation into their daily routines

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Struggling to build and maintain a consistent meditation practice? These longtime Calm users are here to help! Read on to find out how they fit mindfulness and meditation into their daily routines, as well as their best tips for anyone new to Calm.



With a daily streak of 177 days (and counting!), J.T. uses Calm at various points in his day. From waking up to meditate with Tamara Levitt, to drifting off with a Sleep Story, J.T. turns to Calm when he feels like he needs time to breathe and focus. “As a runner, I believe that mental fitness is key and post run meditation sessions help me feel more grounded,” says J.T. “And during this unusual time in our lives, Calm has helped me take my mindfulness practice to another level. As a gay black man, I felt mentally drained with what was going on in our country in 2020. After long days of marching with fellow allies, I would use the Calm app for self-care to help me center my mind and let go of negativity.”

J.T.’s Tips for New Calm Users:
Begin with an open mind and stay consistent! At first, you may feel lost but I promise you that guided meditation will help you along the way. I am so blessed that this practice helps me along my path in life.”


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After becoming a Calm member in 2017, Hannah established a daily routine that includes yoga, journaling, and a Calm meditation. (She’s also a fan of Sleep Stories, and will even listen to them during the day if she needs a break!) “I notice such a major difference in my outlook for the day that it keeps me motivated to keep up this routine,” Hannah says. “My work is really stressful, so when I start my day focusing on mindfulness, the stress doesn’t feel as overwhelming.”

Hannah’s Tips for New Calm Users:
Sometimes, I start listening to a meditation and decide it’s not for me— and that’s ok! It takes time to find exactly what works for you and what provides you the strongest sense of peace & calm. My advice for anyone getting into mindfulness would be to remember that mindfulness is a lifestyle and takes time to establish the right routine for you.”


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In late 2016, Michael made a commitment to himself to meditate daily—even for as little as two minutes. Four years and a streak of 1500+ days later, it’s safe to say Calm is an established part of his routine. “Rather than trying to plan my meditation around my morning, I plan my morning around my meditation,” says Michael. “If I know I’m on a tight schedule, I may shorten the session by a minute or two, but I try to stay committed. One thing I’ve found very helpful is to just be patient with myself and stay flexible. This is life on life’s terms, and I can only control my reaction to it.”

Michael’s Tips for New Calm Users:
Try to stay away from social media first thing in the morning. I’ve found that doing that frees up at least 15-25 minutes for me, and those are minutes I can spend getting quiet instead. I would also suggest using Calm’s Reminders feature to help you get started in your new routine.”


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After finding Calm on Instagram, May became a dedicated user and built a daily streak of more than 1100 days. She starts most days breathing with the Daily Calm, and falls asleep to Sleep Stories like Wonder and Nightfall. “I am working on my PhD, and my motivation to use Calm is to keep myself healthy and happy while allowing myself time off from my work,” May says. “When I finish a task, I allow myself to do what I enjoy for a few minutes. Breathing with Calm has been a wonderful reward.”

May’s Tips for New Calm Users:
"Ask yourself what motivates you to use Calm and allow 5-10 minutes of time to practice.”


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Stacey originally downloaded Calm to use with her kindergarten students, but soon found herself using it on a regular basis. 445 sessions later, she says Calm helps her manage feelings of anxiety. “When my anxiety is at its worst, I’ll use the Emergency Calm or a session from the the 7 Days of Calming Anxiety series,” Stacey says. “Calm has made a difference in my life. I put a reminder in my phone for every day at 7PM.  If I know I’m going to be busy, I’ll assign a different time.”

Stacey’s Tips for New Calm Users:
"Search through the app and write down any meditations you want to try for a week or two. Go to a quiet place, and make sure there’s nothing there to distract you.”

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