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How to start meditating daily

How to start meditating daily

Learn why meditating daily can help improve your day-to-day life and wellbeing. Plus, 5 tips for how to make this supportive practice a daily habit.

Developing a meditation practice takes, well, practice. Mental fitness is just like physical fitness. It requires time and dedication, and consistency is key. Even though we all wish we could do a few sit-ups and see results, it’s just not realistic. Similarly, you’ll probably see better results in your mental wellbeing if you’re meditating every day

While it might seem tough at first, the truth is that the longer you stick with it, the easier it’ll get and the more you’ll reap the benefits. 

Adding even a five-minute meditation practice to your daily life can help you move through the world feeling more centered, grounded and emotionally flexible.


Why meditate daily?

Meditating daily can improve your overall wellbeing, serving as a powerful tool to nourish the mind and body. In the midst of our fast-paced, stress-filled lives, meditation offers a safe space where we can go to find inner peace and mental clarity

Having a regular and consistent meditation practice can reduce stress and anxiety, and even help with depression. It can also promote emotional stability and resilience. Daily meditation also enhances concentration and cognitive function, which means you’ll have a sharper and more focused mind. 

From a physiological standpoint, meditation reduces blood pressure, improves sleep quality, and boosts the immune system, contributing to physical health. Ultimately, the daily practice of meditation cultivates a profound sense of self-awareness and inner harmony. Who doesn’t want that?

How to start a daily meditation practice

To start a daily meditation practice there are a few tricks you can use to transform this new experience into a life-long habit.

Find a time that works for you

There’s no wrong time to meditate. Let us repeat that. There is no wrong time to meditate! Some people like to begin their day with a meditation practice, while others may enjoy taking a meditation break in the middle of their day. 

Some enjoy winding down with meditation at the end of a stressful day, but the bottom line is that the best time of day to meditate is the time that you’ll actually make space to meditate. If you can only meditate for five minutes during your lunch break, then that’s the best time for you.

Pair meditation with an established habit

The brain really loves to make connections and you can use this to your benefit when introducing it to new habits. Building a habit is much easier when you align it with something you already do every day, like brushing your teeth. 

To implement this trick, try meditating right after you brush your teeth or even right after you wash your face. After a few days, putting your face creams on or your toothbrush away will become the mental cue that it’s time to meditate. You may not always be in the mood for it, but building in a neurological support can help you to stay motivated. 

Find a comfortable position

It might be most common for people to sit in a chair, or cross-legged on a yoga mat when meditating but that’s not the only way to do it. Some may enjoy meditating while lying down. Others might enjoy practicing meditation and mindfulness while walking. (With eyes open of course).

To choose your best position, honor the needs of your body. After a long day on the computer, lying on the ground may be a perfect reset for your body. If you meditate in the morning, sitting up tall may invite the gentle alertness required to stay awake and attentive. Explore what feels best for you (which may change day-to-day). 

Set clear intentions

When working to make meditation a habit, it’s important to set clear intentions. Determine why you want to incorporate meditation into your daily routine. Whether it’s to reduce stress, enhance focus, or cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, knowing your motivations will help keep you committed. 

Write down your intentions and remind yourself of them regularly to reinforce your dedication. It might also help to get clear on what kind of meditation practice you want to try.

Choose your meditation style

There are various meditation techniques, each with its own unique benefits. Experiment with different styles to find the one that resonates with you. Some popular options include:

Mindfulness meditation 

Focus on how you feel in the present moment. It's important to observe your thoughts without judgment.

💙 Looking to start a mindfulness practice? Calm’s Mindfulness for Beginners series is one of our favorites. 


Breathing meditation 

Concentrate on your breath, observing its rhythm and flow to anchor your attention.

💙 Breathwork is especially powerful during times of stress and anxiety. If you’re in need of some grounding and centering, try Reset with the Breath

Guided meditation 

Follow a recorded audio or video that leads you through a meditation journey.

💙 Guided practices are a great way to start if you’re unsure how to meditate on your own. Try it out with this Saying Yes to Life practice. 

Loving-kindness meditation 

This can help you to cultivate feelings of compassion and love for yourself and those around you.

💙 Try this life-changing practice for yourself with our Loving-kindness Meditation. We offer practices of varying lengths from three minutes to 30 minutes.

Body scan meditation 

Progressively relax each part of your body, heightening awareness of the physical sensations that are present.

💙 Calm offers Body Scan meditations of varying lengths so you can find one that works for you. 


Don’t forget your sense of humor

Learning to meditate is a lifelong journey of self-discovery,and wellbeing. In some ways, it can be amusing to observe how your mind works–with all of its constant chatter.

Notice if you tend to judge yourself as you learn more about your mind. If so, try to be more gentle with yourself by developing lightheartedness. “Oh look, there goes my busy mind again, jumping all over the place!” The more patience, compassion, and humor you can bring to your practice the better!

How to overcome meditation challenges

Creating a meditation habit isn't without its challenges. Here's how to tackle some common obstacles:

Restlessness: If you find it hard to sit still, experiment with active meditation techniques like walking meditation or yoga.

Monkey mind: When your mind is constantly wandering, don't fret, that’s just what minds do. Gently bring your focus back to your chosen point of attention, such as your breath, over and over again.

Lack of time: Even a few minutes of meditation can make a difference. Prioritize your wellbeing by carving out time for it in your schedule, even if it’s just a one-minute practice on your lunch break.

Inconsistency: On days when you miss a session, don't be discouraged. Simply resume the next day with as little self-judgment as you can.

Make meditation a habit with daily practices

Like any habit, starting a mediation practice can feel big and maybe even nerve-wracking. That’s why we’ve created our simple and enjoyable daily practices like Daily Calm, Daily Jay, Daily Move, and the Daily Trip. Each day is a fresh opportunity to deepen your understanding of your mind and to get into the habit of practicing. After all, the best way to learn how to meditate is to just do it. 

So if you’re thinking of starting a meditation practice, we recommend checking out these short, daily mindfulness practices. Each session is unique and different, which means that each day, you have something new to look forward to! The days of using the same guided meditation each morning are over! (Unless you find one you really love).


5 tips to make meditation a daily habit

1. Start small

Like any new habit, it's important to start small. Maybe you try out doing a short meditation at first. If that feels good then you can gradually extend your practice. This approach minimizes the resistance to change and makes the practice more manageable, especially for beginners. As you become more comfortable, gradually increase the duration of your meditation sessions.

💙 Unsure where to begin? Start Here with Jeff Warren. This short three minute practice is a great way to commence your meditation journey.

2. Practice at the same time each day

Selecting the right time and place for meditation is crucial. Find a quiet and comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed. As for timing, the morning, right after waking up, or the evening, before bedtime, are popular choices. 

Consistency is key, so try to pick a time that you can stick to. With that said, some meditation is better than no meditation. So practice when you can, even if it's not the same time every day.

💙 If you opt to try an evening meditation to help with sleep, check out Unwind into Sleep with Chibs Okereke. 

3. Create a dedicated meditation sanctuary

Creating a special place where your meditation practice occurs can signal to your brain that it's time to shift into a focused and calm state. This could be a separate room in your home, or maybe just a way you turn an existing room into a meditative space. 

You might light a candle, playing soothing music, or practicing a few gentle stretches before sitting down to meditate. Over time, your mind will associate these rituals with the act of meditation, making it easier to transition into a meditative state.

💙 Looking for some music to pair with your focused meditation time? Try Silk: Music for Focus by BKLAVA.

4. Enjoy your dedicated time

We live in a culture of hustle and grind. We’re praised for our productivity and long to-do lists, but that’s not all that life is about. Taking time apart from the rush to sit in stillness may at first feel counterintuitive, but after a while you may discover that ten minutes spent meditating gives far more than it takes. 

Some of the rewards that come along with returning to the present moment each day include less stress, more energy, and better sleep. The awareness and clarity that arises through dedicated practice can support habit change, building healthy relationships, and resiliency through life’s challenges. 

💙 For those days when it’s hard to turn off your brain, try Breathe into Relaxation with Jay Shetty.

5. Celebrate your journey

Keeping track of your meditation sessions can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation. Use a journal or notebook to record the duration, style, and any insights or feelings you experienced during each session. Or you can select your favorites in the Calm app so they’re always there waiting for you. However you keep track, reflecting on the progress you’re making can help you stay committed and notice any positive changes over time.

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn't have to be. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life.

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