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A ritual to spread gratitude far and wide

A ritual to spread gratitude far and wide

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Acknowledging the support and joy that someone brings into our lives is always within our means to give. It costs nothing and can mean everything.

Giving thanks brings joy to both the person receiving gratitude and the person offering it. It's good for everyone! Here's a ritual you can use to get gratitude flowing. Feel free to personalize this practice in whatever way works best for you.

1 | Take a moment for reflection

Close your eyes and ask yourself who has supported you and brought joy into your life this year. When someone comes to mind, soak in the feeling of thankfulness for a few deep breaths.

2 | Write a note to this person expressing your appreciation

You can write free form or use the following structure. Take your time; this is an opportunity to give the gift of truly seeing another. Often what we admire in another seems obvious to us, but isn't always understood as valuable or seen clearly by the person we see it in.

Dear ______________,
I admire the way you _______________________________.
I'm grateful for the time you _______________________________.
I wish you
Thanks for being you!

3 | Schedule time to read your note out loud

You can follow up with the written message by text, email, or even snail mail so they can come back to your words, but if you can read it out loud first, most find it to be a moving experience. In the case that the person you want to offer appreciation to has passed away, you might light a candle next to their picture and read your words.

4 | Repeat for as many different people in your life as inspires you

Perhaps you take a Saturday to work on these letters or maybe you make it a daily practice for a week.

Bonus: Write a gratitude letter to yourself

Get started with the framework above and don't forget to read it out loud to yourself when you’re finished.

Recommended sessions in the Calm app for exploring gratitude:

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn't have to be. The Calm app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life.

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