
Our blog is dedicated to adventures in mindfulness, the power of a good night's sleep, and cultivating a healthier and happier life. We hope you enjoy your visit!

Prepare for presents

Prepare for presents

Tip # 2 for the holiday season: Prepare for presents

Take some time this weekend to write down a list of all the people you would like to give a gift this holiday season. Beside each person’s name, do a quick brainstorm of what you’d like to make or buy for them. Then make a plan for when and how you are going to do this. We recommend scheduling it right into your calendar. Plan also for any other things you may need, like scissors, tape, wrapping materials, and cards -- so that way you’re not rushing out at the last minute.

Whether you’re making or buying a gift, as you consider each name on your list, take the opportunity to pause and connect a little deeper to the person. Don’t worry if you didn’t figure it all out today, just by starting the list you’ve asked your mind to start working on this — don’t be surprised when brilliant ideas arise seemingly out of nowhere.

And, of course, gifts don’t have to always be things. There are so many ways to express generosity and care. Give yourself permission to be creative beyond the material world.

Here’s some gift-prep savvy from the Calm team:

Jade: If I have time, I make DIY soaps, body scrubs, or chocolate truffles for my family and friends. It’s such a lovely way to show appreciation and doesn’t break the bank. The trick is to start as early as possible so they are ready on time. As a family, we also agree on a budget for gifts beforehand so we all feel comfortable.

Christi-an: I tend to wait until the last minute and then cause myself a lot of stress, so much so, I used to find myself sick and exhausted by the time I gathered with my family. Now, I like to think in advance about a meaningful gift and order it online well in advance. My favourite part is the wrapping, I find it meditative, and love making things pretty with natural materials. 

The Calm Holiday Journal is a mix of practical mindfulness tips and contemplation prompts, and how you use it is up to you.

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December's upcoming Daily Calm meditations

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