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9 ways to navigate change mindfully

9 ways to navigate change mindfully

The only constant in life is change. Yet that doesn’t mean it’s easy to navigate.

Whether positive or painful, it can be tricky to adjust to changes in our lives, particularly when they feel unexpected or beyond our control.

Being able to cope better with change is about holding space for our feelings, fine-tuning our resilience, and meeting ourselves with patience as we recalibrate to our new reality. Here are nine ways to support yourself as you navigate periods of change.

And remember… “There is no right way to show up in moments of great change, only accompanying yourself with as much understanding as you can muster.” — Chani Nicholas

1 | Resist resisting

Our first instinct when confronted with change is often to want to fight or resist. Allow yourself to sit with the uncertainty, no matter how uncomfortable. See if you can accept the way things are and open yourself to the possibility of opportunity and growth.

2 | Validate your feelings

Change isn’t easy. Even positive change can feel challenging. Instead of forcing yourself to react a certain way, honor the way you’re feeling in each moment. Holding space for our emotions allows us to cultivate the acceptance, compassion and ease we need to navigate the swirls.

3 | Manage your expectations

It’s natural to want to adapt to change quickly. But adjusting takes time. Notice whether you are expecting too much from yourself, too soon, or if you’re comparing yourself to others. It’s okay to take things slowly. The important thing is to pace yourself.

4 | Flex your equanimity muscle

Equanimity is the mind’s ability to be okay with whatever is happening—good, bad or ugly. It teaches us that no matter what tumbles our way, we will be okay. Practice equanimity by regularly pausing before you respond, observing your breath, tuning into your body, and meditating.

5 | Lean into routine

When we’re thrown into times of change, our routines can bring us the comfort and stability we crave. Whether it’s your morning cup of coffee, a familiar walk in nature, or heading to bed at the same time each night, reinforce your routines and rituals.

6 | Reflect on your resilience

Consider the big changes you’ve moved through in your life. Even if change hasn’t felt positive to begin with, chances are that moving out of your comfort zone has been where you’ve learnt and grown the most. You’ve got through it before, you be okay this time too.

7 | Prioritize self-care

The simple act of sharing our experience can make us feel lighter and less alone. So seek support if you need it and allow people to step up for you. They would want to help. Remember: “When the world comes crashing at your feet⁠, it’s okay to let others⁠ help pick up the pieces” — Rupi Kaur

8 | Savor the good

When life is shifting, it’s especially important to tap into the good in your life, and to enjoy the things that bring you joy. Savoring these moments rewires your brain for happiness and builds resilience. Your senses can help. What can you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste?

9 | Express yourself

Feelings of anxiety, fear and overwhelm are common when we’re facing change. Talk to someone who’s in the same boat, share how you’re feeling with friend who’s been there, or pour your worries onto the page with some journaling.

Recommended sessions in the Calm app for navigating change:

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