
Our blog is dedicated to adventures in mindfulness, the power of a good night's sleep, and cultivating a healthier and happier life. We hope you enjoy your visit!

30 days of gratitude

30 days of gratitude

October Year of Calm

Discover the joy of taking time to be thankful with November’s Mindful Living Calendar.


Download this month's calendar here and sign up below to receive next month's calendar via email.

*Scroll down to find more calendar formats below. 


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough.”  — Melody Beattie

Similar to how our minds tend to wander during meditation, it’s natural to get caught up in the stress and strain of daily life. Just like mindfulness invites us to return to the breath when we notice ourselves lost in thought, mindful living invites us back to the present moment to interrupt the snowballing effects of stress.

Upon returning to the present moment, one of the most powerful tools we have available to us is the practice of gratitude.

Practicing gratitude creates a sense of spaciousness by opening the heart, relaxing the body, and bringing a fresh perspective to the mind.

Even in times of deep struggle and heartbreak, if we look around, there is always something or someone to be grateful for. Of course, gratitude doesn't cancel out what's hard in our lives, but it does invite a sense of balance and reminds us of what we have. 

Our entire being benefits from the practice of returning to the present moment and opening up to life’s gifts.

rose gratitude

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” — Ralph H. Blum

November’s daily challenges invite you to pause and take a moment each day to be grateful. Here are a few examples:

November 2

Think of the person who makes you laugh the most in your life. Send them a text expressing your gratitude.

November 7

Look for the gift in something you find challenging.


Mindful Living Calendars

Calm's Mindful Living Calendars offer daily challenges to develop your mindfulness practice beyond your meditation practice and into your daily activities.

They are available as a desktop wallpaper, a subscription to your default calendar service, and a printable PDF. Choose the format that works best for you!

Subscription Calendar
Add Calm's Mindful Living challenges to your calendar here.
{Compatible with Apple, Google, Outlook and Yahoo}


Printable Calendar
Download, print or bookmark the calendar here!  

Make Calm's Mindful Living Calendar your wallpaper on your desktop or tablet. Click on the image below that best matches your desktop or tablet screen resolution. 


Here are a few resources to support you with your gratitude practice.

  • Check out the 7 Days of Gratitude program in the Calm App.

  • Listen Tamara Levitt, Calm's meditation instructor, speak about gratitude and connection in the video below.


Share your journey

You're joining thousands of people from across the globe in this mindful adventure. Please share your experience and follow other people's journeys using the hashtags #YearOfCalm and #DailyCalm on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and in the Daily Calm Community.


Stay in the loop

To receive next month's Mindful Living Calendar or to learn about #YearOfCalm news and events, please sign up below.

Mindfulness in tumultuous times

Mindfulness in tumultuous times

Calm Mindfulness Journal

Calm Mindfulness Journal