
Our blog is dedicated to adventures in mindfulness, the power of a good night's sleep, and cultivating a healthier and happier life. We hope you enjoy your visit!

Put yourself at the top of your to-do list with August's Mindful Living Calendar

Put yourself at the top of your to-do list with August's Mindful Living Calendar

August Year of Calm

This month we invite you to look within and enrich the friendship that you have with yourself. 

there is you and you.
this is a relationship.
this is the most important relationship.

—nayyirah waheed

Please sign up below to receive next month's calendar.

The fear of really getting to know ourselves is one of the biggest reasons that many people both consciously and unconsciously avoid meditation. 

The world around us pulls for our attention and provides enough entertainment that we can go our whole life without getting the chance to delight in the pleasure of our own company.  

It's true, as we begin to explore our inner worlds, it's inevitable that we'll stumble upon shame and frustration. Please don't let this stop you from getting to know yourself because you'll also uncover the particular beauty and gifts that make you uniquely you.

Not to mention, the parts of you that you struggle to love (or, even like) are the parts that have been waiting for you to pay attention, to listen, and offer compassion so that you can grow and heal.

Life is never just one thing. We can feel gratitude and grief, joy and pain, or anger and love all within a couple of breaths. A mindfulness practice helps us to realize that we are strong enough and creative enough to hold both, or more accurately to hold the many truths of our lives.  

As Sophia Bush so eloquently reminds us, 

"You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously."

So take your time. Befriend yourself breath by breath. Forgive yourself. Get curious about what dwells within. Practice self-compassion. Meet yourself with a sense of humor. Enjoy your own company. Be in awe of your great heart.

Here are a few mindful living challenges from this month's calendar to help foster your relationship to self. 

August 3

Your body is your home. Take a minute and silently say "I am" with every inhale and "home" with every exhale.

August 6

Set a timer for 5 minutes and journal. Start with the prompt: When I listen carefully, I hear my heart say ...

Check out a variety of different calendar formats below. 

May you discover within yourself the bestest of friends.  

ps - If you're new to all of this, here are some wise words from the poet, Tanya Davis.


Mindful Living Calendars

Calm's Mindful Living Calendars offer daily challenges that build upon the lessons and themes presented in the #DailyCalm.

They are available as a desktop wallpaper, a subscription to your default calendar service and a printable PDF. Choose the format that works best for you!

Subscription Calendar
Add Calm's Mindful Living challenges to your calendar here.
{Compatible with Apple, Google, Outlook and Yahoo}


Printable Calendar
Download, print or bookmark the calendar here!  

Make Calm's Mindful Living Calendar your wallpaper on your desktop or tablet. Click on the image below that best matches your desktop or tablet screen resolution. 


Share your journey

You're joining thousands of people from across the globe in this mindful adventure. Please share your experience and follow other people's journeys using the hashtags #YearOfCalm and #DailyCalm on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and in the Daily Calm Community.


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