
Our blog is dedicated to adventures in mindfulness, the power of a good night's sleep, and cultivating a healthier and happier life. We hope you enjoy your visit!

Guidebooks to help you sleep, meditate and create healthy habits in 2019

Guidebooks to help you sleep, meditate and create healthy habits in 2019

Let’s start fresh.

The change of calendar year is a time of inspiring possibility and potency. A blank slate we’re eager to fill. An invitation to grow, improve, change.

In response, many of us make resolutions each new year. And for many of us – according to research, a little over 90% of us – they don’t .. quite ... stick. And that can be disheartening. We may even take it as a personal failing or lack of willpower (it isn’t).

There is another way. A more compassionate approach. With mindfulness, it is possible to more easily and reliably cultivate a new habit or release an old one. And habits – small, consistent everyday choices – are what change our lives and our worlds in meaningful ways.

Looking to sleep sweeter, meditate more or change a habit?

Whether your 2019 is about prioritizing sleep, exploring meditation or changing a habit, these journals will help you discover the small, doable shifts that will add up to more profound changes.

We’re cheering for you.

Dear 2019

Dear 2019

2019 Daily Calm Calendar

2019 Daily Calm Calendar